Wednesday, October 6, 2010


OK… so since this is my first legit post i’ve decided to make it about something that matters..
AGAIN, this is MY opinion.. based on my experiences, beliefs and information.. feel free to comment, agree.. even DISAGREE.. but do it all with a sense of maturity and respect… -much love x]]

— So I just finished watching some ANTI-gay marriage commercial and to me.. it made NO SENSE.. it was very OVERDRAMATIC, stereotypical and to me just a complete joke. yes, I AM a PRACTICING christian, i love the LORD, and i take his word( the bible ) very seriously, but i feel like the voice out there representing what people WOULD STEREOTYPE me as, doesn't reflect the way i feel on this topic…
so let me just break it down,

TO me, GOD created adam and eve (we’ve all heard that joke “… not adam and steve”) for a specific reason. He created there marriage to be holy and pure and to bring offsprings.
IT also numerous times in the bible, it states homosexuality as a sin.

What is sin? - a persons NATURAL tendency to go their own GOD-defying way (sin entered the world when adam and eve ate the forbidden fruit)
SIN, as state before, is our natural tendency.. NO ONE IS BORN SINLESS OR PERFECT. so this is for this argument of “born VS. choice”.

Do i think it is possible for a person to grow up, being gay from the get… yes. THINK ABOUT IT… in a world of lust, single parents, fatherless homes ect… a mindset can be formed at the earliest of age, and a family chain can be started off of someone else mistake

EX1:a women and man have premartel sex (mistake) women gets pregnate.. (father flee’s the  scene IF NOT grows to dispise/disrespect the women and child (mistake)…mother hates child for being born (mistake)..child can no grow up(if living with a single parent of the opposite sex) adapting to the gender tendency’s, ways of expression and interest NATURALLY because that is what they’ve learn as a child. OR mistreatment can affect the child’s understanding of love and affection.
EX2:a child is sexual abused by a person and now finds that gender repulsive NATURALLY due to someone else's mistreatment (mistake)
EX3: society has a certain CRITERIA for genders, set expectations and demand.. when those demands aren’t reachable to certain people, they will NATURALLY lean towards a more welcoming, understandable person.. no matter the sex (who’s mistake??… society’s)
…things like this can effect a human being in unthinkable & unnoticeable way.. thus passing done gender tendency's to future family members…
then comes the argument “IF I WAS BORN/MADE THIS WAY by GOD, and God doesn't make mistakes, why am i like this??  .. i cant help it”
As i mentioned earlier the bible states we are all sinners.
For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” -Romans 3:23
but the bible also says that we must be BORN AGAIN..
BORN AGAIN ?? yes.. born again
That is what makes cleansed all the sins and dirty deeds i’ve EVER done, before i knew the LORD..
it is when you except God into you heart, and he changes you from the inside out.. so to those who say you were ” born this way”, there for can't believe in a GOD who would be a Hippocrate, here's what Jesus said him self..

John 3:3-8 (New International Version)

 3In reply Jesus declared, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.”
 4“How can a man be born when he is old?” Nicodemus asked. “Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother’s womb to be born!”
 5Jesus answered, “I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. 6Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. 7You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.’ 8The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”
we are ALL born with sin, GAY, STRAIGHT, CURIOUS.. every creed and color..
but when you come to the understanding of what GOD had in-visioned for the world, which is NOTHING like what it is today, that's when you are truly BORN AGAIN… and he gives you the strength to work through all your faults, not because he DEMAND IT, but because you learn to love him, and like in any healthy RELATIONSHIP, you do things that he wants, because he is so loving, and you want to make him as happy as you can… and the good thing about that is that unlike other relationships, he KNOWS you cant be perfect, your TRUE effort is what keeps him happy and  satisfied.. he loved you before you loved him!!
.. That another things that gets me upset to see .. sign that say “God hates fags”… he also hates lair's  , and thieves  … but we don't see people getting KILLED AND BEATEN FOR THAT. What god DOES hate is the sin… one of my most favorite quotes are ..
God LOVES the sinner, but HATES the sin!
So now that I’ve explained my position on sexual preference. Ima discusses my opinion on marriage…
MARRIAGE for me is God made, to be between a man and a women. I think it should kept that way and its origins should be respect. But i do think that there should be civil union because  specific rights should be given to a persons significant other, there should not be considered just friends , but together, if that is there CHOICE. We do have freedoms that the constitution give us… and GOD has given us free will.. so a persons choice is THERE CHOICE. But i personally believe that marriage is  designed BY GOD.. therefore he’s guidelines should be kept
( I know it took me a long time to get to the point, i hope it was informative, again this is what i believe, feel free to comment x]]] - god bless)

my relationship, summarized in a movie quote

quote Young Noah: Well that’s what we do, we fight… You tell me when I am being an arrogant son of a bitch and I t when you are a pain in the ass. Which you are, 99% of the time. I’m not afraid to hurt your feelings. You have l second rebound rate, then you’re back doing the next pain-in-the-ass thing.
Young Allie: So what?
Young Noah: So it’s not gonna be easy. It’s gonna be really hard. We’re gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, for ever, you and me, every day.

— the notebook; one of the greatest movies ever. this summarizes the relationship i have with noel <3”“

My Happly Ever After.

The Story Of My Happily Ever After.

The Gaby&Noel story
(Its a bit long but, it has a lot of twists lol. And this is just the basics)
It all started about 3 yrs ago in our churches youth group. I was a hardcore rocker and he was a little ghetto boy .. I had just started attended so I was still very defensive and he, he was a complete jerk. We were going bowling 1 night with the youth group when he started 2 joke around about hitting on me. And I, I was not having that. So the whole night we just kept going at it, while even others picked on us.. but even in the mist off it all, we still felt a love-hate attraction (that even to this day we still joke around with). But off course both having our walls up, DENIED DENIED DENIED.
So for a couple of weeks we just kept going at it, then I remember 1 week, going to youth group and thinking ” ugh, I gotta see HIS face again”.. but only I didn’t, he was no where in sight. And later that night, our pastor gathered us up only 2 tell us that the kid I was waiting to pick on had a flickering blood clot that was coming apart and that he had 2 have emergency heart surgery. And right at that moment, my heart dropped. Even at that moment, my heart went out to his… I could never explain it, still till this day I don’t know why, but for him I had such a compassion. I barely knew the kid and I wanted to know more, I wanted to go see him!!! I was pist for the weeks that followed that no one would take me 2 see him. That no one would take me 2 see how he was holding up ( and not even in a nosy Hispanic way). So I had no choice but to wait and only be informed on a weekly FRIDAY NIGHT gathering…
This is were the story get personal,complicated, and confusing.. so imma just keep its as short as possible..So I had been telling on of my friends from the youth that I was excited that he was coming back..I had prepared my greeting for him for a while now.. I wasn’t going to be the FEMALE DOG dat he had told me in hindsight that he expected. And my friend went and told him that I was excited 2 finally see him, which surprised him.. so that day came and ACCORDING TO HIM I gave him a really big hug >_< .. I remember HIM giving me a big hug but W/E lol.. any who and after that we really hit it off.. we shortly realized we were SO COMPATIBLE 2 a point where it was scary.. but the only issue was.. I thought he liked some1 else and HE like that other person because he thought I STOPPED liking him… I know, how convenient.
So we basically just became BEST FRIENDS. And not those bf’s that have to b satisfied w| the friendship because they really dnt have any other option, but true best friends. The ones that told each other everything, the friends who helped each other which boy&girl issues ( even though now we admit to have that little green monster called Jealousy!!!) He was the one person I confided in most… and we both were crazy about each other. And what’s even sadder is that EVERYONE SAW US WORKING OUT.. except us ofcourse. We both had close friends always pushing us 2 go for it, but we both thought ” naw, he/she doesn’t like me.. were just really gud friends.but it work, wouldn’t it :"
But we kept just being friends. We both kept tryna live our lives. He now tells me that on 1 trip we had went on, dats he was determined to tell me. And during that trip, we we INSEPARABLE. But ME being the genius I am had fell 4 someone else (caz I kinda had jus givin up on the dream and already started 2 pursue). So he was heart broken, and gave up on the dream to… so after dat trip we grew apart a bit because I had my own thing goin on and he was just mad at me.. I ended up dating that crush and grew apart even more.. we eventually mended our fences and became best friends again. I dated that person for a while and he really was a really kind and caring person, but my heart was with someone else. And I didn’t feel right leading him on…
So what really sparked the flame was a Superbowl game (not surprising to any1 who knows us). We are both competitive by nature. And my team had made it. All night long we were attached at the hip, going back and forth at whose going to win. Of course MY team won and he lost x] but over all, that night we both realized something, “why am I not with this person??? “… and after dat, the timer was running..
We would be on the phone all the time, until on day III cudnt take it anymore, so I AIM’ed him, and basically confessed everythingggg.
We started text and calling each other everything. We both had impossible walls over our hearts, and slowly but surely where coming down.
Valentines day was rolling around & I absolutely hated and he o fcourse, loved it…soo I asked him 2 be my valentine and he accepted.. I actually was excited 4 the 1st ever 4 valentines day and he, was a little girl about.. but of course w| our luck, he had fallin into the hospital w| clots in his lungs & namonia..he was heart broken cause he was planning the works 2 try 2 woo me, but FAIL. So that day I got up early got dress and went out on a hunt 2 make his day worth it being that he was stuck in the hospital.. and this is wat I got him and why (keep in mind, I hate this day) :
1) 3 get well soon & vday ball (I took the fruitiest ones 1 cud find as a joke)
2) a big green m&m filled w| tiny green m&ms (because green is his favorite color)
3) a vday card with angry anti-love sayings in the front that read in the inside ” me bitter, nahhhh. Happy” (which was PERFECT because he always called me bitter)
4) nick and norahs infinite playlist dvd (we were planning on going 2 his how’s and ordering it, so I brought the movie 2 him.)
5) and a stuffed British bull dog ( it looked just like him xD. And he was eventually named oxy after noel being drugged up on Oxycontin while I was there at night )
And then rushing, I left to him, on taking the train and getting off 100 blocks away at the wrong hospital.
But once I found my way, once I met wit him, I was his. He was my best friend for soo long, and this was the 1st time I was close 2 him, and he knew exactly how I felt, as did I. We didn’t have our 1st kiss for a while well cause, we were ALL TALK and nervous wrecks in person.. so I went every day that week 2 the hospital.. and went to meet him 2 bring him home. That night we watched a movie, and eventually after tiring to tease me, it happen. Felt so perfect, so right. We had both longed each other for some time but had 2 make nothing of it. Not even in my wildest dreams did I ever think I wud get him but I did.. and still do .. and will always have him…
At the beginning of our relationship we were a bit irresponsible and had lost some close relationships, messed up and had 2be apart for a while. No one close to each other really wanted us 2gether and we hit a major SPEED BUMP (no need 4 details). Point is, we worked through it and that helped us realize how we TRULY LOVED EACH OTHER..
And to this day we are inseparable (EVERY1 knows this, so they don’t even try). He is my best friend above all (that is why we are so close 2 even begin with, because we were truly BEST FRIENDS 1st). Ofcourse we have issues, and were both STUBBORN. I can be a female dog, and he can be an ass.. but I love him with all my heart, and I know he does the same.. we don’t like 2 share one another, we both very agressive, we are the first ones 2 call each other out on our BS, and we both wudnt change a thing about our story… so this is my happily ever after, this is my forever… wat start with an annoying little fight, end up in an unseperable love…
The Perfect Imperfection